Museum van Deinze en de Leiestreek - Mudel

Catalog Stief Desmet - Once upon a golden river

Stief Desmet Once Upon a Golden River Imagine an Island / Inge Braeckman, Christophe Vekeman, Koen Leemans, Bruno Roels, Trui Galle, Rutger De Reu. - Veurne : Uitgeverij Hannibal, 2015 ; Deinze : Museum van Deinze en de Leiestreek, 2015 ; Mechelen : C.C. De Garage, 2015. - 2015. - 128 p. : ill.

This book was published on the occasion of the exhibitions "Stief Desmet. Once Upon a Golden River" from 13 June till 27 September 2015 in the Museum of Deinze and the Leie region and "Stief Desmet. Imagine an Island" from 21 June till 13 September 2015 in 'De Garage' in Mechelen.